Welcome to the Hectic Teacher’s Resources Site

I have been teaching for over 15 years in both the UK and in Europe, covering a range of Social Science and Humanities subjects. As a result, I have accumulated a number of activities, ideas and hacks to support learning in the classroom and this site is my attempt to share what I have learned and what I use in my own classroom.

Everything I share here is something that I use in my own classroom. It is a constant work in progress and I hope o update it regularly with new ideas, resources and support material. 

I have tried to accurately attribute resources to the correct people as I am not claiming to be the original thinker with these resources, but if you notice I haven't credited someone or have miscredited someone, get in touch and I will change it.  

Most of the resources are shared FREELY however if you wish to you can donate using the button below (links to Buymeacoffee.com), Those in the shop are the only ones I am charging for and that is to cover printing costs.