Tutor Time Reflection Journals

To say that the last 2 academic years have been hard, would be an understatement. The Covid pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in schools, where there would normally be certainty or at least stability. This has affected both staff and students and has led to many looking at ways to reflect and focus on wellbeing within the tutor / form time period.
I am very much on board with this but found last year that my students got very fed up with being asked how they were or if they were anxious or stressed all the time. So I created the reflection and wellbeing books as a way for them to reflect on what was happening with them as well as on their academics without it feeling too in their faces.
I first used them in academic year 2020/21 with my year 12 tutor group and they worked well, but with the students feedback I have made adaptions ready for 2021/22.
There are four main activities in the journal:
My week in Pixels
For this activity they colour in the squares for each day. Each colour will determine how they felt that day went. There are 9 rankings to choose from.
Reflecting on Me
This section aims to get them thinking about themselves and thier futures. The questions aim to get them thinking and reflecting. There are no right or wrong answers.
Academic Reflection
These pages focus on their studies and aim to help identify issues before they become too big, as well as show them that they are making progress even if they don’t think they are. It is important that they are honest and realistic when filling this out if it is going to help them.
Time to let your mind wander and see where it goes
These pages are about self reflection and wellbeing. They are not a test but questions to get them thinking about themselves and reflection on where they are and where they are going. Some of the question will repeat as the year goes on, it is okay to have the same answers just as it is okay to change them.
The idea is that the students fill it in once a week (more if you want them to) and take some quiet time during the week.
My version is aimed at 6th form and only has 3 subjects for the academic reflection but that can be used for Key Stage 3 or 4 as well, with students reflection on different subjects each week or 3 subjects per term.
2020/2021 VERSION
2021/2022 VERSION
Editable versions are available in my shop for £2.50 each