Knowledge Organisers

These knowledge organisers are intended to be used by specialist PSHE teachers, non-specialists PSHE Teachers, parents and pastoral staff to help facility discussions around the issues that will be covered in PSHE in secondary school, rather than given out to students.
I have tried to put as much relevant and important information as I can on each one without overloading but they are meant as a starting point for teachers to build their knowledge not provide all knowledge. I have included places where both teachers, parents and students can go to get more information and support, again this is not an exclusive list and you may have other places that you prefer to sign post to your students.
I have also tried to identify key terminology so that teachers and parents are able to use these terms confidently.
I know that there are more topics that could be covered and I intend for this document to be a working one rather than a fait accompli. It also only covers the statutory requirements of the 2020 guidance and not Citizenship Education, Financial Literacy or any of the other topics that are covered in PSHE lessons.
I hope you find this document useful and if you have any suggestions for other KO’s to be added please let me know.
Where can I get support Poster

I created this poster to be used in the boarding houses and classrooms around my school to help students to find and access additional support outside of lessons.
The QR Codes all worked at he time of creation and I will be updating and checking it periodically.