I know displays can be a contentious issue, but I like to have them in my classroom, however I prefer an aesthetic that is more muted and pastel. I also prefer to create my displays in powerpoint and then get them printed the size I need them as a single poster rather then spending ages printing individual elements and then sticking them up. This is mostly because I can't cut straight or measure the layout correctly.
I am now offering a design service for those that would like to have good quality static displays designed for them. If you are interested complete the form below to get a quote

I really enjoy being a form tutor, especially to 6th form. But one of the things that I have found over the years is the need for a consistent morning routine. My current group have been amazing through this last year, and they quickly picked up on the routine and the cues for tutor time.
You see, I am NOT a morning person.
With this in mind and the hope that I will be back in my own room again next year I have put together these two posters to remind students of routines and expectations but also as a way of putting up notices. Each one is 50x40cm and I have had them printed to go in a frame. The frame means I can write on the information board with a whiteboard pen when things change (such as the Kahoot winner or our position in the Interform Quiz).

This technically isn’t a tutor poster but as I teach in my tutor base I thought this would be the best place to share this poster/display.
This is A1 in size so although it might look crowded when printed up it works well. I have included on this my expectations for when students enter and leave my classroom, the ABC-Q discussion structure which I found on Twitter and then @alwaysLearnWeb shared a brilliant infographic she put together based on this Blog by Jonathon Sandling:
AGREE, BUILD & CHALLANGE: ABC Questioning Technique for Teachers
I have also put the reminders for presentation of work and what they should do if they think they have finished. I will be stressing the “Is this your best effort?” check a lot I think.
Open Event Poster
Open events are an important part of the recruitment process. This poster is in A1 size to attract students to A-Level sociology whilst also being realistic in expectations.

Exam Technique Display
This display I refer to regularly in my teaching and remind students that it is there to help them when we are practising exam techniques. It sits along a single wall but is broken down into 6 panels. Each panel is 70cm by 120cm.

Success in Social Sciences Display
This poster gives advice to students on how they can use their non-contact time and revise for assessments to help them succeed in social science subjects. This poster is 176cm x 115cm.
I have now added a second panel to the success in Social Sciences display board which has specific tasks that students can do for independent study. These do link directly to the unit companions we use and both Seneca and Carousel learning which we regularly use in lessons but feel free to adapt.
This poster is 128cm x 90cm

Tube Map Display
This poster is displayed in our department area to show how all of the Social Science subjects are linked and support each other. This poster is 115cm x 115cm.

Sociology Tube Curriculum Map
This poster is 123x123cm and outlines the progress through sociology from year 9 to year 13 that we follow in my school:

I created this poster because I had a gap on my wall that looked out of place, and in a flash of inspiration I went with the idea of defining sociology and quotes about sociology. I tried as always to be as diverse and inclusive as possible whilst also including both classic sociologists as well as more contemporary ones.

Successful Student Poster
These behaviours came from a conversation with a student who said that they couldn't be a successful student if they were not getting top grades. It got me thinking about hoe to reframe the idea that success is all about grades.

PACE Revision
PACE is an acronym a Geography teacher and I came up with in order to create some consistency in how we talk about revision with our students, after we realised we were telling them the same thing but using very different language which they found confusing.

Successful Student and PACE combined
I know that space can be tight when it comes to display space so I have combined the Successful student and PACE revision into a single poster which could also be used as a handout for students. There are three options as I couldn't decide which I liked